Thursday, November 13, 2008

Neglecting the blog

(My profile picture)

O.k. so I'm signing in tonight cause I feel guilty. Lately I've been preoccupied with a new "time waster" as Kyle so eloquently stated. It's called.........Facebook. I know, I know, I'm still debating the pros and cons of my decision to join. I was advised on good authority that it is all the rage and loads of superficial fun, so with that -count me in. I know it's a friendshipping tool used by snotty teens and 20 somethings, 2 of my favorite demographics. I try very diligently to distance myself from anything that is supercool to that crowd since I'm neither a snotty teen nor a 20 something.
So against my better judgement, I joined. Now would you believe me that in 3 short days I have made like 36 friends and have found all sorts of folks like: 1. Darling old college roommates whom I thoroughly enjoyed living with and who now live all over the country 2. First boyfriend from the 7th grade who I haven't seen in 15 years 3. Girl I went and saw "Goonies" with in the 2nd grade 4. One of my best guy friends from high school who was always attractively bald now sporting enormous amounts of hair..what the??? 5. 2nd cousin 20 somethings that probably feel obligated to be "friends" since we are .....related. And the list goes on!
What I'm trying to say is....this Facebook thing is a hoot. A hoot that has reminded me once again of how blessed I am. I have had some pretty fun friends and great memories over the years. I'm glad those years are over but good times none the less. My life is wonderful. I have a fabulous husband and 3 handsome and hilarious boys that make each day worth it. I have no regrets from high school and have gotten some good laughs after finding these old faces (especially those who appear much larger than before). Good stuff.


kir said...

I just love the usage of the word "hoot" not once, but twice!! I think that is a great descriptive for facebook, or "FB", as the snotty teens or 20-somethings would say. And come on, you think 2nd or 3rd cousins would feel obligated to be friends?? Everybody wants to be friends with the Gourmet Corner Gal (you know I love that!!)...

kir said...

Yes, Kthom, you are funny (i.e. -butterfly kisses and life in general) and I am glad I am not the only one who types late at night and thinks funny thoughts...

Emily Kern said...

This is fun, I am never going to get anything done now. I am sure after a while it may lose its luster and then once again my bathrooms will regain theirs. Ha Ha Ha! I'm off to the store--we are COMPLETELY out of food. Yikes!

Cassie Jensen said...

FB- yes, FB. I guess we'll see you again on the other side! Ha! It is quite the little addiction, though. It has reminded me that all my memories really happened, there are others who account for them! I guess I feel pretty good about where I am when I see all of those "friends". For that, I am grateful!