I've been up since 6:00 a.m. and my stomach is in knots. I knew I would feel like this, I always do when elections roll around. I have always been politically active and educated on issues and candidates, I love politics. This year has been different, sadly and disturbingly different. I am absolutely and completely amazed at the level of ignorance and arrogance that so many political leaders and average Americans today are displaying. It is truly frightening.
Simple questions:
How can a nation vote for a man who has accomplished nothing?
How can a nation vote for someone they know so little about?
Doesn't making and keeping your hard earned money mean anything?
Isn't it important to have the strongest and most powerful military in the world when we are still the #1 target of terrorists who are THRILLED with the supposed new "commander in chief?"
Isn't it a little odd that the leaders of Iran and Hammas have endorsed this man?
Don't associations and friends reflect who you are?
Why would you openly and aggressively want to "bankrupt" the coal industry...one of the most important industries in America?
Why would anyone vote for someone who supports providing ANY medical attention to babies born ALIVE after an abortion?
What is going to be the incentive for anyone to work hard when their hard earned wealth is going to be "SPREAD AROUND?"
"I am my brother's keeper, my sister's keeper"-my favorite quote from the "chosen one's"speech. Isn't it just crazy that his brother lives in a hut and his aunt lives in a slum in Boston? Couldn't he spread some of his wealth around to them....just a little?
Isn't it odd that my husband and I have given more in "charitable contributions" than the pres/vp elect have? And yes, their income is WAAAAAY bigger than ours.
A college education is NOT A RIGHT!
A home is NOT A RIGHT!
Poor people are not all of a sudden going to become rich if the "chosen one" is elected. Nothing will "change" for them. They'll only Feeeeel better.
Those who are miserable and wanting a handout will still be miserable- yet they will receive a piece of my husband's paycheck. All in the name of (as Joe Biden so eloquently stated)..."Fairness!"
You tell me what's FAIR about those 40 % of Americans who don't pay income taxes getting checks from those of us who are
taxed through the nose?!!! Doesn't the constitution mean anything?
Your taxes are going UP...I don't care who you are or where you are!
I would enjoy visiting Europe someday but I do not want to live there.
Doesn't it worry anyone that he is supported so fiercely by Hollywood idiots like Scarlett Johannsen and P Diddy. Come on!!!!!
How can members of my faith vote for this man? That is what truly has me sad and baffled?There is so much at stake in this election. I love my country and I truly fear for the success of our nation if this man is elected. I'm going to now go take a shower after my hard earned workout. I will let the water run and hopefully wash the idea of Obama out of my hair.
Ignorance is the most expensive commodity in America.