Thursday, February 12, 2009

10 more....+1

I understand if you've all stopped reading but I can't stop. It's all for my personal enjoyment.

10 random tidbits from High School:

1. I attended 2 different high schools. 9th and 12th grade were spent at one school and 10th and 11th in h$ll...I mean another fine public institution.

2. 9th grade was my favorite year in high school. Everything was new and fun and I was into ASB and sports and was just good.

3. Was one of 4 freshman chosen to join the sophomore volleyball team. It was even better when 3 of us freshman were starters!

4. 10th grade was my least favorite. My family moved across the state my sophomore year and transitioning to a new high school was LAME-O. I ate lunch in the library a lot if that tells you anything.

5. Got braces my sophomore year (much needed and forever thankful for)...didn't smile much, more of a forced closed mouth with a smile on the inside job- hence producing THEE worst year book picture of my high school career.

6. Not too many people cared a hill 'o beans about that stupid picture cause they didn't talk to the NEW GIRL...whatever. Oh and they (the too cool ladies of KW) also thought I was way lucky to have such a hot boyfriend, "they're always together".....that would be my brother.

7. Have purposely forgotten most of those 2 years....on the upside, I went to a lot of good concerts with my brother Aaron during that time -U2, George Michael ( I don't care...I love his voice) Sting, the Sundays, Ocean Blue...good times.

8.Moved back to my old stomping grounds to finish my senior year. I lived with my sister and her newlywed husband for that year. It was way fun for me. Looking back I hope the feeling was mutual...they were fantastic sports.

9. Played varsity volleyball that year and loved it, especially after we vetoed the whole "spanks" uniform idea....Na uh.

10. Sang the "Star Spangled Banner" as a duet for a football pep assembly. I don't even know if it sounded o.k..I was just proud of myself for doing it. Anyone even remember that?

11. Had 2 really nice guys in my class named Corey.

Corey Long (who married my uber talented tennis partner) AND

Corey Short. No kidding....I still get a chuckle out of that one.


Emily Kern said...

I remember the duet... It was fabulous! And I also have always gotten a chuckle about Corey Long and Corey Short. I am glad you came back to KeHS, I had a ton o' fun with you!

Heather said...

This clears up a lot...I just always thought you were at KHS...I'm very thankful as well you came back so I got to laugh A LOT during Tennis meets. You made me what I was. ;)

I can't wait to show Corey your post...he will be so proud to be metioned. He is super nice. AND, I too find it such a funny coincidence, it was one of the first things I mentioned to him when we met. Like he hadn't heard of such a thing before :) . Fun post.

Amberly said...

I don't remember your duet but I do remember Corey Long and Corey Short. I always found that fantastically ironic.

kir said...

Good stuff, my dear, and I must say as the sister who didn't get braces to the sis that did--I do love your smile!! And hey--your senior year, my newlywed year with my first child (not to be confused with first born)that came in the form of a superstar 17-year-old, it was fantastic! I can remember Paul and I driving up to Spokane for a v-ball tourney of yours (I do believe that we brought homemade pizza for lunch because 1) we were hungry and 2) we had no money for pricey big-city snacks)and couldn't have been prouder that you ladies of KeHS volleyball made your voices heard and stuck it to the man concerning the sweet spanks, na uh is so right...
For the record, I went to a movie with your "hot boyfriend" when I was about 17 and he would've been 14--someone called mom the next day for some small talk, and then pulled a "by the way, we were at the show last night and saw Kirsten there with a very good-looking young man..." Uh, yeah--too bad his heart already belongs to Kari...

libbie said...

I DO remember the duet! And let me tell you, it WAS good. Perfect harmony. Didn't you sing it with Jamie the one who had short hair? I can't remember her last name! But. . . . it was good. You are too funny! Keep on writing tidbits cause i can use the laughs!