Sunday, March 30, 2008

Quick quote

Cole- "Mom, on this day, you get to button AND zip my pants!"


Cassie Jensen said...

What a lucky mom! Both the button and zip in the same day! I can only dream... by the way, I have our trip on my blog now. Check it out. I won't give it all away, but I found a certain name for a certain girl from a certain show!

kir said...

Love that Coley with his big ideas and deep insights!! I am still boggled (nice use of the word "boggle") about the snow adventure you posted, so much snow for the Pacific Northwest! What was supposed to be 5 more inches of snow here last night turned into a massive sheet of ice this morning, but it is almost Arril, so I guess that's how it is supposed to be?? Have a great, great day!!