So my brother and his family used to live in the house that we all grew up following me? Anyway, they have since moved closer to my family and thus, we see each other more often, which is fun. He had recently returned from visiting said house (and would you believe that another brother now lives there with his family?) and brought back some treasures from the good 'ole days ie: cabbage patch dolls and pony plates. Now don't think the Thomas fellas couldn't appreciate a good cabbage patch doll when they saw one...especially "maked" ones. They have been given the names"Jo Jo and Roosie-not to be confused with Rosie" and dressed appropriately. Jack wins good sport award for indulging Brody for a good 30 minutes. His reward...watching the original "Karate Kid" -one of my favorite movies of all time. And would it shock you to know that....he loved it?!
Cole is reading like a maniac lately which is fantastic. He's the type of kid that sits quietly and giggles to himself, completely enthralled in the detailed plot lines of mischievous felines such as Garfield. I used to love that cat myself...who knew?

Cole is a man of few words.....he's cool.
He even sleeps cool!

Brody is into kissing everything, all the time. Yesterday I had to stop the love fest in the produce section at the grocery store. When you touch the broccoli (especially with 3 year old lips) you buy the broccoli. Now I'm a big proponent of affection yet prefer kissing my husband and children and I leave it at that.

He even sleeps cool!
Brody is into kissing everything, all the time. Yesterday I had to stop the love fest in the produce section at the grocery store. When you touch the broccoli (especially with 3 year old lips) you buy the broccoli. Now I'm a big proponent of affection yet prefer kissing my husband and children and I leave it at that.
I giggled about this post. My boys loved watching Karate Kid too. It's so great when they can love what we loved. My cabbage patch dolls are in a box, I need to dig them out.
When I was pregnant with Ryan I started to dilate at 23 weeks, thus the bedrest. At 29 weeks he was in distress and so I had an emergency c-section. His blood ph was .1 from whatever number is toxic. So miracle of all miracles if he had been delivered even a few minutes later he would not have survived. The doctor does not know why but thankfully that problem did not occur with Carter. Just the dilating and contracting so more bedrest but we made it to our scheduled c-section. And that is the super fast version of why Ryan was so premature. :)
I've totally been wondering what in the world ever happened to maked Roosie, and now I finally have some closure, whew...
Love that Kate is so cool with being a hill(??) in Brody's driving world--that is a definite sign of a super sis...
love your blog, makes me giggle. :) gotta love the good ol' cabbage patches with a mix of garfield. i knew there was a reason i liked you so much!!
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