Wednesday, March 25, 2009

toothpaste sleeves

So the mornings can get a bit crazy around these parts. This morning was no different. I was out of bread-no toast, out of turkey sausage-no protein and didn't want to open yet another box of cereal so... Cinnamon Toast Crunch for everyone (I do enjoy a bowl myself every now and then). My point is...cruddy breakfast=spazzy children.
I asked this particular child...yea, the almost 7 year old who got caught (after numerous reminders to the contrary) sitting in his 2 year old brother's OLD car seat because the 2 year old is too big for it, yea that one...TO BRUSH HIS TEETH. Is that too much to ask? Does it really need to be reminded 5, 6, 7, 8 times before it gets done? Apparently.
Fast forward to his morning pick up waiting outside. No shoes on, no coat on (dumping rain), no back pack, no snack packed, and 2 GIANT GLOBS OF TOOTHPASTE (gross blue) on BOTH OF HIS SLEEVES. WHY??......HOW??........GRRRRRRRR!
It was the Cinnamon Toast Crunch, wasn't it?


Cassie Jensen said...

I'm sorry to tell you- but fast forward to 11 (i.e. sweet Syd), no shoes, no coat- ever!, no lunch, ride waiting AND still needing another teeth brushing reminder! Maybe it's better with boys?! (Love that there was time for the camera, though!)

Emily Kern said...

I'm telling you, cold cereal is the devil! I copied Jon and Kate and keep toothbrushes and toothpaste right in the kitchen. I grab them all (except Jess) and brush them all right there. Gross, yes. But I do scour the sink out daily.

kir said...

Does toothpaste-sleeves know squeaker-foot?? (we do heart Ramona Quimby...)

jessica said...

Oh we have those mornings when we have oatmeal for breakfast! I love that I'm not the only one with crazy kids and annoyed carpool moms outside my house.

Stephanie said...

Sounds familiar. :)

Amy (Church) Thulin said...

I think I agree with Bill Cosby. "All children have brain damage." They don't think about half of what they do. lol
We did it to our parents and someday we will laugh at them when their kids do it to them. :)