Saturday, October 4, 2008

Things to do before I go on a little trip

Man it has been a crazy week. You know the kind where there is something on the calendar for every night and you barely see your spouse? Well, that's the kind of week I'm talking about. However, this week has come to a close and next week is what I'm talkin 'bout.
Big Fun from this weekend included:

Take the fellas to our WARD CARNIVAL:
Such a great time every year. Our activities people are fantastic and really put on a party. My personal fave game was "Feed the Bishop"-tossing plastic food into a giant honey jar was a big hit.

I was hoping for an "action shot" and lucky me, I got one. Can you say, hot dog!


It has been sketchy weather all week around here and it called for "showers" today. That is totally what I wanted to run in today - showers. Especially because this race was in the forest ....on a hiking trail, dodging branches, avoiding puddles, wet leaves, enormous tree roots, mud, natives with spears, you know, your typical 5k. It was actually kinda fun and kept my mind and eyes focused on the ground right in front of me. When I hit the death hill (seriously straight up) at about 2.5 miles, that wasn't so fun. I did contemplate barfing but I worked through that one . My running partner (love her) Carole kept me going and I so appreciate her. We finished strong, no stopping. I was not intimidated by participants wearing Dove shorts, tank tops, or the elderly who passed me at mile 1. Jack is gonna do it with me next year!

Buy my poor kid some decent socks:

When they dress themselves and then stuff their clothes in their drawer, I forget about things like "holey" socks. After Jack's handstand performance at FHE I soon thought "holy cr@p" who would let their child wear those things?!

Document house progress:

There's my cute hubby and fantastic bro-in-law Mark soaking wet, working on the underground plumbing today. It has seriously been a wind/rain storm all day and these two have been plumbing animals. Grandpa Larry was workin like a champ right along with them. I so appreciate their help.

Blue stuff is installation I guess. I learn something new everyday. Like the foundation..pretty huh?!!

So these things had to been done before Sunday, for that my friends is a day of REST. I am quite anxious to sit down with my family TOGETHER and listen to our Prophet speak during General Conference. Monday morning Kyle and I (along with his 2 bros and their wives and 5 other foreman from work and their wives ) are headed to Maui. Yes, In 48 short hours I will be thousands of miles away from my boys and alone with my husband, go figure. Don't get me wrong, I am thankful and excited, it's just the guilt factor. Hopefully the luau and pedicure we have lined up will slap that guilt right out of me. My wonderful in-laws will be receiving sainthood when this week is all over.
Till then-Aloha


Laurel @ Ducks in a Row said...

Aloha - hope you have fun!

kir said...

Aloha and Mahalo-I want to have a ward carnival with a "feed the Bishop" game with toy food-great stuff!! So proud of you on the rugged 5k, and no grizzly bears, poison darts, or even vampires-whew!! The house is totally coming along and we are so going to be ready to come visit you in it (after the roof is on and all)...
Have so much tropical/ pineappley/macadamia nutty fun this week and take lots of pictures!!

Angie Penrose said...

Man I'm a slacker on the thomas blog! You guys have been busy. Way to go with the 5k and I'm jealous you are in Hawaii! Hope you have a great trip. So exciting that your house is finally starting. I can't wait to see it take shape. You guys are awesome! Lets get together soon.

Molly said...

How fun!! I wish I was going with you....could definitely use a vacation right about now. :) Love the great ward activity ideas--will help with my calling. :)