It was cute Mr. Cole's turn to go with his preschool to the Pumpkin patch. I love that this kid picked up the very first pumpkin he saw, all deformed and moldy and said, "He-o mom, this one is gweat!" We decided to search a little longer and look for one that didn't have any goo coming out of it. I'm sure the preschool "guided" tour was fantastic. However, the tour I was privileged to take with this SOOO almost 2 year old kept stopping at the yappy dog house and the produce/snack stand.
Halloween Party Time!
The boys have been counting the days till the Robert's party. We love having fun friends that want us to come over, especially in costume. So please may I introduce. Kyle:the 30's newsboy or "Newsie" as he loved being referred to. Kari, the 50's housewife (notice the apron...dual purpose). Might I add that I came up with these amazing costumes in all of about 20 minutes -Cost- $0.00 Thankyou very much. Jack -Mr. SCARY (who started the evening out as Mr. Silly, but had a change of heart/attitude). Cole- Spiderman of course. Brody- SOOOO almost 2 year old with a skeleton shirt.

Our favorite Host: Does the Ipod shadow guy from the commercials ring any bells? His dancing was spot on. I'm so not that clever.

No kidding, I was going to reprise my Princess Lea costume from 10th grade complete with authentic buns on the side of my head and everything. I couldn't find a white turtle neck, the dress seemed waaay shorter than when I was 16, it just wasn't working for me, (hence the 50's housewife getup). It had to be an all or nothing outfit. I was SO glad I didn't make the mistake of coming like a..ya know, mediocre princess Lea. Look who walked in the door......the lovely Lea herself. That would have been SOOOO embarrassing.

That's right, MR. SCARY took the big one, FIRST place in the costume contest. There's total jubilation under all that blue!

Kyle has been working like a mad man all week.The house is coming along, slowly. These black pipes.....will someday turn into my kitchen island. The island that will house a deep beautiful sink, counter space to actually roll out a pie crust on, and enough room for barstools for everyone. Ah, someday.

Our friendly next door neighbor. These little love notes went up this week as well. They are way excited to have us build a house.

That's right, MR. SCARY took the big one, FIRST place in the costume contest. There's total jubilation under all that blue!
Kyle has been working like a mad man all week.The house is coming along, slowly. These black pipes.....will someday turn into my kitchen island. The island that will house a deep beautiful sink, counter space to actually roll out a pie crust on, and enough room for barstools for everyone. Ah, someday.
Our friendly next door neighbor. These little love notes went up this week as well. They are way excited to have us build a house.
And finally today, the Primary Program. I love my boys, they are simply the best. Jack did a fantastic job on his "2 minute temple talk". He reads like an all-star and it makes me just smile listening to him. Cole pulled through for his class full of SHYness. He repeated their memorized quote right into the microphone, with all his darling lisps and speech impediments, perfectly. Fun day to be a mom of 3 darling boys! (Like Cole's tie)
Now I just need to clean off the lens on my camera.
Looks like you had a fun-filled weekend! The kids look great- way to go frugal mom. And love the signs from the neighbors. There's nothing like laying out the welcome mat for those newecomers! Chat with you soon!
I must say that when I first feasted my eyes on Mr. Silly/Mr. Scary (perhaps in a Jekyll and Hyde kind of way??), I had a total flashback of a semi-unfortunate perm that I got before my senior year(fantastic timing -- and it was not blue)... I am pumped for the best costume award though, way to go!! And how about that NEWSIE?!! I do believe that Christian Bale, the Dark Knight himself, started his career that way, so Kyle, if this whole Hvac thing doesn't work out for you...
The whole fam looks great, what a great party and it's definitely a good thing that the 50's housewife (you know how I do love Donna Reed) was there to keep everyone in line-good stuff!!
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