Cole quietly came in and handed me this picture so of course I had to mark this monumental moment. Poor Mr. Cole has been sick on the couch (once again) the last 3 days. However, today ladies and gentlemen....I 'd like to annouce that.....he SMILED and DREW a PICTURE, and ATE, and PLAYED trains, just a little! YAHOOOOOOO!
Things I am thankful for when kids are sick:
propel water-the power that one lone bottle holds with the sick child's name written in permanent marker is amazing.
Rice Krispies -the only eating option
DVR-there's something ALWAYS on, over and over and over again
Husband who doesn't mind that dinner was soooo not a priority considering the award winning mothering I had done for the past oh say, 72 hours!
DVR-Did I already mention that?
*Photo despcription:
-YES, that would be a fantastic depiction of yours truly with Cole...I love his art work, I wish I was ALL legs :)
-And YES, that would be my infamous "gross sheet" used ONLY for sicky purposes. Unfortunately it has been a staple around here all week. I'm debating on using it as a couch cover for the summer months...ya know, dual purpose.
I absolutely adore kid artwork!! The oval head, the long legs-it is absolutley the best and I have kept some "artistic samples" from all of my kids (Cael is not quite there yet) that always bring a smile to my face...
Keep the Propel on hand and tell Mr. Coley to keep feeling better!!
I'm so sorry to hear that you've had sicky's at your house! Energy for beautiful art work is a good sign. I hope he feels better soon!
Propel is magical isn't it. And hurray for health. Hope he is really up and going soon. The only good thing about sick kids is when they take extra long naps and want lots of cuddles.
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