Sunday, March 30, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Cause it's Spring!
After Jack went to school, the fun really began!
Monday, March 24, 2008
Cucumber Brody
Where to begin?!
Then off to the happiest place on Earth.
So now the laundry is caught up, food is back in the fridge and life is back to normal. Thanks for sharing in my vacation joy! Anyone got a flaming yellow bodysuit in their closet?
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Kylie K
Monday, March 10, 2008
Week/end review
O.k. so the Thomas' are on the mend. All is well and each member under 6 is tucked away for the evening :)
Chocolate cupcakes with a choco/peanut butter frosting and Reeses crumbles on top. If your allergic to peanuts, I'd stay away from these.
Friday, March 7, 2008
Thursday, March 6, 2008
The good and the bad of 3-5
One poor guy who didn't have the "umph" to do anything-literally- let alone wish his beautiful mother a happy birthday was my Mr. Cole. It all started like this:
and quickly led to this:
and then this:
I'll spare you the photographic proof of what went down pre- Cole and post/current Cole. However, the story is riveting . Jack and Cole are taking Tae Kwon Do, which I love. Jack loves it as well, Cole could take it or leave it....he will take it. Tuesday afternoon rolls around and we are getting dressed, getting excited, and having one last sip of Cole's Gatorade (which I believe sealed the deal on Cole's current condition). Boys are in the car, all is well. We get to the building and Jack opens the door, I'm holding Brody and Cole is behind me. I turn around and there is Cole throwing up right at the doorstep to his class. Brody is screaming terrified, Jack is still holding the door like a deer in the headlights, and I'm thinking...eeewwwww, gatorade.....! So long story short, I look for someone to hold my screaming toddler,a place for Cole to continue puking in semi-privacy (stairs), and anything to clean the mess up. One lone water bottle later the mess was mostly cleaned up and Brody was still screaming with his stranger. Needless to say, there was no Tae Kwon Do for us that day....I didn't even mean for that to rhyme, it was just that poetic.
Fast forward to my day of birth (yesterday). Cole is still out of commission and sicker than sick. Plans got changed a bit, however, the sun was shining and I had friends a plenty, call and stop by so life was good. I even got my hair colored, ordered dinner to go from my favorite place and had a date with myself in the Target parking lot..Happy Birthday to me!!
Cole at happier times!
Sunday, March 2, 2008
random wrap-up
Cole may have fallen asleep while waiting for dinner but don't you go nodding off, this is some good stuff.
We like to use popcorn buckets as helmets, I especially enjoy letting my toddler wear one and then just let him go......
Some folks may actually bath in their bathtub. Mine is strictly used as a playground and all 3 boys participate in the fun. Cole built this "amazing factowy with cool woofs" They drive cars and trains all around and inside out and now and again get wet (darn giant faucet gets in the way).
Side note-anyone who can tell me how to flip my pictures so they aren't sideways...I'd be so grateful!!