I can't seem to stay on top of the blogging thing. I don't think it's my calling in life. Right now my life is to cook, clean various sizes of undies, change diapers, bring down the volume levels, make sure pull-ups remain dry and vacuum, oh and cook some more. The month however has moved along and some good good stuff has happened......
Handsome cousin Blain returned from his spanglish speaking mission in Tucson Az. My boys think Blain in thee coolest so having him back is a pretty sweet deal! Great missionary and great example! Aunt Lorri hosted a lovely spread of good eats and everyone just sat around and did their thing.
Brody chose to push cousin Megan on the scooter OUTside. Jack chose to perfect his 4 wheelin skills OUTside. Gramma Peggy was back from Hannah Montana (as Brody refers to it) getting some Kate time and where did we find Cole all evening.....?

playing the gigantor wii. Even though it wasn't the
"wii-kend" I let him. It was a Blain party and he was showing his love and support via Super Mario Brothers. Good stuff.
And then we have this morning. After pancaking it up at the church we headed to our beautiful local cemetery for the VFW Memorial Day ceremony. I tell you what, seeing the entire cemetery lined with hundreds of flags brings a lump to my throat every time. After a brief and sweet ceremony complete with the gun salute we walked around reading headstones and talking to the boys about why we were there. Seeing those sweet and handsome veterans in their navy blue best just hit me. My most favorite guy....my grandpa Len was a WII veteran. For years and years he was one of those darling vets who attended every meeting, funeral and ceremony of fellow soldiers. He died in 2005 and I miss him dearly. He was simply the best. I named my Jack after him...Jack Lendell......Not since his funeral had I witnessed a military gun salute. So today it really was special to see and hear it again. Definitely a Thomas family tradition has begun. Good stuff!
I think you're doing a great job at this blogging thing! Don't stop! I didn't know that Jack was named after Grandpa Len!? He was such a dear man. I remember going to their house in BC to visit. Such a dear. Sadly, I didn't get my act together to visit a cemetery. I'm not really sure where one is around here, but that's a good goal for us for next year. Way to set the example, Thomases!
I for one am thoroughly impressed with what must be Brody's mad camera skillz (the "z" was indeed on purpose)taking the family shot at the cemetary!! I love all the flags at the headstones and I am proud of you taking the little Thoms to see the sights.
I miss our Grampa Len...
I love reading your blog. Even you are very busy with kids and husband you always spend time writing this blog , sharing to everyone who read this blog. I am one of ur blog's fan..thank you
very good aora mira el mio
I am right there with you on the flag filled cemeteries. So lovely and such a lovely feeling.
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