Friday, June 4, 2010

The little lady who runs the show.....

We are all big fans of Ms. Kate around here. She has 3 big brothers who are at her back and call for anything. I'm pretty darn sure that since she was born I haven't heard a single complaint when it comes to "helping with your sister." Continuous complaining on every other issue on a daily basis.... is a toss up between the 3.

Kate is now 11 months old. She is teething and has had a cold all week. Her poor nose is complete snootyville. She cries a lot and naps very little. I don't consider 45 minutes an official "nap." Right now that's just a break from the crying. She's woken up at hideous times every morning for almost 2 weeks now. I SO SLEEPY!! It's not her nature to be fussy so I know she doesn't feel good.... poor lady.

So in honor of Ms. Grumpypants I thought I'd post a picture from days gone by...just to remember the good times!


yennu said...

Ohhh, this sounds very famillar. I've seen and heard Q at least once every night for the last couple weeks. 2 bottom teeth just popped through and she has 4 big bubbles on top. And the cold is on day number 4. Call me at 2:58am sometime we can chat =)

Amy said...

Good grief, same here! What is happening!? Well, I know what's happening, but wish it could happen a little faster. Ugh, teething is a beast. I've taken up residence again on a mattress in her room. Just when we had her sleeping through the night, too. Figures.

kir said...

Is Snootyville anywhere near Funkytown? Just curious, and kudos to Miss Kate on her great taste in espadrilles (I think I spelled it right and you know what I mean even if I spelled it wrong)!!

C-M (Cupcake Master) said...

What a cute lil baby :)