A few weeks back Kate and I, along with Gramma Jan, ventured down to SLC via Southwest airlines to visit my very favorite sister. No specific reason just sheer adoration. We would have 41 hours together. Thanks to Southwest and its unexplained 3 hour delay, yes 3......we had to settle for 38 hours. What can ya do? So settle we did.............

Gramma Jan taking the entertainment shift waiting to board. Why must airports continually run CNN.....it's so painful to watch, especially for 3 straight hours.
Saturday we literally were "about town" for a solid 9 hours. See that cupcake below....divine. See that FABULOUS red purse....even more divine. It was almost mine....but I stayed strong and my wallet thanked me.
Kate looked like this 92.6 % of the trip, she's awesome.
The other times she looked like this.
My favorite sister has 5 kidlets. The little guy (who just turned 5) was quite nervous to have his mystery aunt and crazy baby swoop in and take over his room for the weekend. He kept his distance from yours truly the entire time. By Sunday afternoon he reluctantly let me near him AND was even willing to stand in my picture. Thanks super Cael.
I even got another fabulous apron out of the deal.
Good times ladies........good times!
I can just tell by your faces that you are having a great time together - as you Madsen girls always do! I'm glad Kate cooperated - she's such a doll. Good job getting the cupcake over the purse. That cupcake looked heavenly! What a cute little shop - what's it called? I'll have to visit next time I'm in UT. Best of all...the matching aprons. PERFECT. :)
Ahh, it's almost like I was there--wait, I totally was and I loved every minute of the much too brief 38 hours!! Miss you already...
I don't know if you all could be any more adorable!!!! That purse...I'm sure your wallet would have understood...and thanked you eventually for such a lovely place to hang out in. Oh, well. Maybe next time? See you SOON!
Glad you enjoyed some much-deserved sister time! Looks like a lot of fun!
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