Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Yet another reason to put down the cell phone...

Today is National Teacher Day. I love teachers..... for the most part. I was a teacher many moons ago and I miss those days. One day when the kids are all in school I'll be back at it in some capacity. Until then it's my duty to make the fellas' teachers feel appreciated! I had THEE best teachers growing up and hope that my kids will also be so fortunate. We've been lucky so far.

I found an idea online: Buy some A&W root beer and attach a note reading: "Thanks for being an AW-esome teacher!"


I set out to the store and en route got to talking to my darling pal Emily. I must admit that I'm not a fan of talking on a cell phone in a store. I understand that at certain times in must be done but normally, I don't do it. Keeping children happy, occupied, and in my field of vision out way the need for conversation.

Fast forward to my conversation with Emily. Against my better judgement I headed straight to the "pop/soda" aisle while talking on my phone.... to find the A&W root beer. I even discussed the idea with Emily who in turn was headed herself to the store to find her own A&W root beer. We ended our conversation so I could concentrate on my most important grocery list.

Please take another looksey at the pop/soda I purchased.

That big giant bulldog didn't even phase me. You see, I was talking on my cell phone at the store... and I usually don't do that..... because things like this happen.

I made it work. The new phrase for my "MUG" root beer:

" I'm feeling pretty sMUG having a great teacher like you! Thanks for all you do.

And that's how I roll around here.


Amy said...

Way to "make it work", Kari. I can tell you are a teacher because you roll with the punches! I can't talk on the phone at the store either. For some reason when I hold it with my shoulder, the person on the other end can't hear me at all. Bummer. I'm suddenly craving some A&W... YOU are AWesome!

kir said...

Smooth and sMUG recovery there, nicely done!! And by the way, I like the sprite in you...

jessica said...

This is totally cracking me up!

Emily Kern said...

Well played! I like the new little saying and may add it to my little list of possibilities. I did get my own A&W and printed out my little tags, but of course, I (being me) never got them to the teacher. Good thing the last day of school is coming up and I can do it all then!

Amy said...

P.S. Can I swipe your idea for the five preschool teachers that Jane has? A bottle of A&W will be AW-esome! :)