I found an idea online: Buy some A&W root beer and attach a note reading: "Thanks for being an AW-esome teacher!"
I set out to the store and en route got to talking to my darling pal Emily. I must admit that I'm not a fan of talking on a cell phone in a store. I understand that at certain times in must be done but normally, I don't do it. Keeping children happy, occupied, and in my field of vision out way the need for conversation.
Fast forward to my conversation with Emily. Against my better judgement I headed straight to the "pop/soda" aisle while talking on my phone.... to find the A&W root beer. I even discussed the idea with Emily who in turn was headed herself to the store to find her own A&W root beer. We ended our conversation so I could concentrate on my most important grocery list.
Please take another looksey at the pop/soda I purchased.
That big giant bulldog didn't even phase me. You see, I was talking on my cell phone at the store... and I usually don't do that..... because things like this happen.
I made it work. The new phrase for my "MUG" root beer:
" I'm feeling pretty sMUG having a great teacher like you! Thanks for all you do.
And that's how I roll around here.
Way to "make it work", Kari. I can tell you are a teacher because you roll with the punches! I can't talk on the phone at the store either. For some reason when I hold it with my shoulder, the person on the other end can't hear me at all. Bummer. I'm suddenly craving some A&W... YOU are AWesome!
Smooth and sMUG recovery there, nicely done!! And by the way, I like the sprite in you...
This is totally cracking me up!
Well played! I like the new little saying and may add it to my little list of possibilities. I did get my own A&W and printed out my little tags, but of course, I (being me) never got them to the teacher. Good thing the last day of school is coming up and I can do it all then!
P.S. Can I swipe your idea for the five preschool teachers that Jane has? A bottle of A&W will be AW-esome! :)
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