Here's the lowdown:
As I type -I hear screaming of the blood curdling nature. It resembles the picture above minus the life vest. The perpetrator of those almost 19 month old whose mother has FINALLY banned him of his bottle ( I fully admit all wrong doing) . I know, I know, his brothers were weened waaaay earlier and all was well. This kid is a SCREAMER. It's not that I am so sad that my baby is sad...he's fine, it's just that his screaming is sooooo loud and sooooo constant, I would just give in .......hence the bottle at toddlerville. 45 minutes and the screaming continues. Very Traumatic.
Cole's blood test came back and as I expected, he's allergic to wheat and milk. Total double whammy. For those of you blessed with unallergic children.... be you so lucky! There is milk and wheat product in virtually EVERYTHING. I'm not totally freaking out because his allergic level is on the low side. However, if it will help Cole go from THIS:
Jack is out of school and looking for stuff to do. He's a late to bed (if he could every night) early to rise every morning kinda kid. Ya know the type that come in to whisper about 3 inches away from your sleeping face..."good morning!" And as you remind him in a very stern way that you specifically said the night before, "NO waking mom and dad up" he replies with a goo goo smile, "I just wanted to say good morning." Oh, the obedience. We've been on a Junie B. Jones reading kick lately, we think she's quite a hoot. We finished one book the other night and Jack proudly exclaimed that the next book he wanted to read was..."Junie B. Jones and the crappy pants." Wow, that sounds like a really interesting read . He came back after retrieving the next book and I told him to re-look that title. "Cheater pants....oh, (with a laugh) I thought crappy pants would be really funny though." I had to agree.
FYI: screaming child...asleep :)
Ooooh, I'm sorry for the screaming. I've got one of those, only she's 6 1/2. Somebody once told me she'd grow out of it. Anyway, ya did the right thing with the bottle. Get yourself a good set of ear plugs? :) And on another note, can I say that Junie B. Jones is AWESOME? We love her at our house. Our favorite was Junie B. Jones Aloha-ha. I hope the change in diet helps your handsome Cole. I'll be watching your blog hoping for a postitive report on that.
I am still hung up on the binky for Kaia...and I am the dental hygienist who tells you "better get that kid of the binky soon or her teeth will be wrecked!" That'll be my kid still sucking away at 5 y/o because she is so much happier therefore mommy is so much happier. Poor third children!!! :-)
Oh - my baby is allergic to wheat and eggs, but we do get dairy. It's hard - no lie, but we've been pretty much gluten free for 4 months now and I'm kind of used to it. Good luck, our natural grocers is awesome and even have gluten free Cheerios so my baby can have something in the snack bag!
Derek and Shannon might have some tips for going dairy and wheat free. Good luck with that. Such a bummer.
Well, we are dairy and egg free not wheat. But we have found that we like Rice Dream (found in the refrigerated section) the best for milk in a cup. The box stuff and the soy we don't like much. Also don't waste your money trying the "fake cheese" they are all disgusting! And the Nucoa Margarine is the most normal tasting butter replacement. All the others (around here) have a little milk (whey) in them.
There is a blog a friend told me about. Her son is gluten, casein free and she post recipes they like sometime. I know that she had a chicken nugget recipe. It might be worth checking out. It's:
Good luck. I know how overwhelming it feels at first and how long shopping trips take because you have to read every label 3 times to be sure at first. But it doest get easier. I didn't think it would, but is has. We have seen such a HUGE improvement in Corbin’s behavior, the change has been so worth it. We guard him and his food with all we have. If you want to talk, I'm sure you can track down our phone number. I know Aunt Janet has it.
I just wanted to say good luck with the no bottle thing. I am the most awful mom, The girls were off their bottle a week after their first birthday, Carter was nursed until one and never had a bottle and now the baby of the family, Lane is two and Clint just put his foot down and broke him in one day. I just wanted our last to stay a baby forever. So 19 months isn't bad at all.:)
Jack - i love junie b jones. we read chitr pants all redy.we hav a junie b jons 8 pac. the names ar chitr pants, shiprec, uon man band, at last, boo an imean it, bos of lunch, toothles wanr, aloha ha ha,and its first gadrs. have a good summer.
We are really working on not taking our blanket everywhere that we go, yes, you can leave it in the car but not out, and to think that she is 3.
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