And finally, these are the faces of little boys whose mother had been flyin solo for 3 days and finally gave in to their pathetic whiney whines and let them eat their own authentic...not some Safeway knock off....."Drumstick!" -Yes, they gave a "Cheers" to that!
And cheers to the fact that my co-PARENT will be returning home sometime tonight!
I distinctly recall being around 8 yrs old and getting 5$ from my Grandma for a birthday. I pondered and reasoned trying to decide how to spend my money. A charm bracelet? A sticker book? Nope, a box of Drumsticks ice cream cones to eat all by myself. Didn't share one of 'em.
Okay...where to begin...
How is Kate 11 mos old!??? And I am totally feeling your teething pain. C is finally getting his teeth all at once...AHHHHH!
You were in Spokane the day I went to Seattle. A and I had a whole 36 hours in there. So bout we cooridnate a little better next time. You let me know the next time you come into town girlie!
AND...Yay for your race! I love that you did it with you little guy. So cool!
How delightful that you two ran a 5k together. And Kate's face? Gave me a little pain in the pit of my stomach remembering the inconsolable moments. Oh how sad I am for her (and you). Good job on the love, patience and long suffering. And excellent work recording it for her to later appreciate your love, patience and long suffering.
Hip! Hip! HOORAY!!! for you and Mr. Jack! I hope you were able to forget the miles that stretched before you with some new tunes on your ipods. And look at you!!!! You are a fantastic Mama who loves her babies even when they are crying and whining for drumsticks!!! My hero!
Way to go, 5K!! You do know that Kate is only sad because she misses her Auntie Kirsten...
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