Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Look who's gotta tooth

This is my little doll head baby. She's been drooling like ca-razy lately.

She turned 6 months old a few weeks back....and mastered the gummy under bite look.

It finally came. After gnawing on my shoulder for has popped through. Her first tooth.....bottom left, pearly white, teeny tiny.. has arrived!


Amy said...

Oh, I love drool. My babies drool constantly from three months to about three years, it's awesome. I'd take drool over spit-ups any day. What a cutie pie! Her clothes are fabulous, and so are those earrings, Kari! You are so stylish.

kir said...

Love the gummy under bite look!! I don't think it works as well on me, but she wears it well!! Hooray for tiny tooth!!

jessica said...

C has one and 1/2 teeth. The boy is 14 months old!!!!! Honestly, it is so ridiculous. I'm looking into baby dentures.

BTW you look fabulous!

yennu said...

Hurray for Kate. Q is still working the the gummy under bite look. Maybe its coming, but maybe not. Love the black and white dress . . darling.