Monday, April 13, 2009

Eggs and water...lots of it.

A lot of firsts happened this weekend.
First batch of hard boiled eggs- boiled to serve two purposes: 1. deviled eggs for this hormonal gal who simply felt like eating them and 2. of course to color and decorate. Neither have ever happened in this household before. Why this deprivation? Well I'm usually not an egg eater and colored dye +3 boys just doesn't do anything for me when there are perfectly clean and plastic eggs out there. Well, after throwing caution to the wind I decided to do both. I'm happy to report that both turned out simply delicious and most vibrant in color.
My boys always try to keep things, shall I say, ....lively!
Boiling eggs is serious business and as timers were set and water was being watched like a hawk INSIDE.....these guys were OUTSIDE. When once again the weather is a blustery 40 degrees or so, the hose isn't something one would gravitate'd think. Long story short: Jack confessed to turning on the faucet to squirt down Brody and boy was he surprised when the ENTIRE faucet came out of the wall and a continual tidal wave of full pressure freezing water shot out from the house. O.k., I'm boiling eggs here....I have water , nice bubbly warm Easter water to attend to..not figure out how to turn off the geyser outside. Thankfully our fantastic friend and neighbor Chip (with oh so helpful brother visiting from Utah Russell) came down within minutes and SAVED THE DAY! I had eggs on the brain, not going out to the street to turn off the water to my house and use a giant wrench to tighten the faucet. As the geyser was turbo shooting -I didn't even think to get my camera....I was just wet, chubby, cold, and worried that my eggs weren't going to turn out. We were all quite a site.
Once all parties involved were changed out of their wet clothes and had dried their, "I'm so sorry I could have wasted all the water to our house" tears.... it was quiet movie time. Doesn't that sound fun? I'll be so excited when I get to actually see Kyle on Saturdays, ah, someday.
So as far as Easter Sunday matchy matchy pictures go: forgot.
Next Sunday might look strikingly similar to yesterday. We did have pretty eggs though.


Cassie Jensen said...

Shame on you for waiting so long to allow your boys to experience the art of egg coloring! I believe it is a right of passage for all small kiddies to taste that dee-licious egg water. But I am glad that didn't happen for you and the eggs turned out well. You just can't have a normal day, can you? Hope you're warm and dry today, too!

jessica said...

We didn't dye eggs this year, I'm an every other year kind of mom. I hope your eggs tasted yummy and that you have recovered from your crazy water fiasco. I'm so glad you have a nice neighbor.

Amberly said...

We didn't dye eggs for lack of time but Carter won't let me forget that we need to. Hmmmm, I guess Easter is not yet over at our house. Sounds like your first egg-dying experience will not be forgotten.

kir said...

What--no matchy-matchy picture?? I think the matching yellow blanket spread over all 3 of the Thom boys completely counts...

Emily Kern said...

Ah, geez! Aren't kids fun? They really know how to spice up an otherwise quiet life!