Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Thoughts from this very Tuesday

Would it surprise anyone to know that this kid right here is playing me? He's so capable of being "A Big Boy" with the whole using the potty and all and yet......today, he's back in diapers and totally cool with it. I think he's on to the fact that his mother is tired and sleepy and a tad bit exhausted and frankly not in the mood to check on his bladder status every 15 minutes or pay for super cool and super pricey pull-ups.We'll pull out the big guns again when we're both serious about this delightful issue. And so, we'll try again another day.
On another note: Guess whose $6.29 container of cherry tomatoes opened and spilled while she was loading her items at Costco leaving 1/2 its contents either on the parking lot floor or strewn throughout her shopping cart....gingerly hanging between each individual plastic criss cross hole and randomly dropping onto the ground below before they could be salvaged? Yup, MINE.
It was Awesome!


Emily Kern said...

Once I dropped a big container of cookies. I am not even a cookie eater, but I was very upset by the whole thing. I don't know if it was the money wasted or the mess created, or that maybe I really did want to eat a few. Either way, dropping and losing out on bulk food purchases is not fun. Sorry about the diaper thing. Potty training is not on my list of things I love. Pull-ups do make lovely hats, though!

kir said...

Oopsie on the tomatoes, but on the bright side, you didn't say that you had a nephew drop a bright green, juicy and undoubtedly tasty Costco watermelon on the sidewalk this time--
**(the un-named nephew still feels bad about that one...)

jessica said...

First of all from your last post...I am so happy your floors are warm again. I think I would have cried if I had to go through that.

I'm sorry you lost your tomatoes. That stinks! Not as bad as potty training though...that STA-INKS!

Oh and Kates green and brown dress is ridiculous...SO CUTE!