The following event included these 3 boys minus their father. This picture has nothing to do with it but I like it, so it will be used as an attention grabber and for child reference purposes if needed.
So we had our bi-monthly trip to Costco the other day. Nothing especially new or exciting. I used complete self control and did not purchase any : kitchen/bath magazines (30 % off...come on ), giant sticker books, enormous blocks of gouda cheese (realized I had purchased one last time), chocolate milk...we'll never finish it before it goes bad....I got what was on the list.
As I'm paying, I'm also checking out the line at the scrumptious Costco bistro, and grrrrrring to myself. I'm deciding which line was the quickest, making my game plan. I've held off the hungry fellas till AFTER we're done shopping cause the line was so long, but now.... I can hold them off no longer, it's go time.
We make our way to the bistro and I have Jack stand in line while I waited next to him with the cart containing Cole (amongst the toilet paper and green beans) and Brody, sitting up front. All is well until I turn around. The conversation went like this:
I will be
K for Kari, crazy lady will be
C for crazy lady.I make eye contact and smile cause I am polite.
C:-"Wow, 2 boys...that's a lot"
K:-I'm thinking to myself ....2....2...what?.." Actually, there's 3 ." She looks in my cart and finds Cole from behind the tp. -Her eyes get real big
C:-"Oh wow, are those 2 twins?"
K:-"Nope, he's 6 and he's 4" -Jack is now looking at me wondering why I am talking to this crazy lady.
C:- Pointing at Brody-"Is he what...1?"
K:- "He's 19 months."
At this point I am scanning the menu acting like there are Sooooo many options and I just can't decide.
C:- "So is he (literally pointing to Brody) potty training now?"
K:- "Nooooo, he's 1, he's got a few more years." -The ever friendly Brody points back and their pointer fingers touch and she beams with delight.
C:- "Wow, he's a real flirt, he likes women."
K:- "Actually, he's a real finger pointer...he thinks it's a fun little game, even with men."
Uncomfortable silence for me.Praying that the line will go faster.
C:- "So what are you getting to eat, I get the chicken sandwich it is soooo good."
K:-"you know what, I think we're going for the usual cheese pizza and hot dog."
C:-"So your huband is at work while you watch the kids today?"
K:- "Yup, that's what we do everyday."
Almost our turn...we are next to order and she is hot on my heels.
C: "So are you going to have more kids?"
I'm constantly smiling at this point.. smiling and wishing it would all just go away and I could get my dog.
K:-Wondering who her mother is and why she didn't teach her daughter social skills.."Yea, we are, someday."
C:- "When, like soon, will you have another soon?"
K:-"You know, we'll see, I'm just having fun with these guys right now."
MY TURN TO ORDER, I proceed to the cashier.
C:" You gettin the chicken's so good?"
K;" No, stickin with the dogs and pizza!"
I get my order and quickly proceed to get all condiments/drinks/straws/napkins/ crazy pills and head to the exit. Jack is wondering why we aren't eating AT the bistro.I talk up the fantastic idea of a "picnic in the hot car" and that's that.
Question: Why do complete strangers...crazy or not, feel it is their business to ask about my reproductive schedule? I would never....eeeeewwwww, it's just not cool. I left crazy lady standing... chicken sandwich in hand, and never looked back!
Ever happend to you?