First of all the tub is complete...I repeat, the-tub-is-complete. It only took a year and a half but by golly, I may just start using the darn thing. I really do enjoy glass tile very much..very, very much. Big kuddos to my oh so attractive live-in handy man who makes it all come together so nicely.
Onto the family review:
We finally gave the much thought about go ahead and let Jack try-out for football this year. I'm dreading the practice schedule and the price and the game schedule and the price and the commitment needed and the price ......but man is he excited!! We've all decided to see how this year goes and really be supportive. We're not a football family but you have to start somewhere. Let's hear it for father and son football throwing time in the backyard...yea! I can cheer for that!
Jack's signature Ralph Lauren pose with my "unknowingly borrowed" camera. Do all brothers do this on a boring Sunday afternoon?
Very spirited for St. Patty's Day. |
The usual suspects. "Mom, you are not going to like this. Kate just took out all the Kleenexes..but I saved a few for you."
And with that question I will leave you with a Brody quote of the day:
-While gathering my mass of primary bags and other paraphernalia after church I send Jack out to the car to immediately retrieve Brody who has already made his way to the parking lot, alone...fantastic. When we finally make it out to the car Jack says, "Mom you're not gonna believe what Brody told about 12 adults as they walked to their cars just now?!'
Oh boy, the anticipation is boiling over.
"He said........ (insert official Brody quote here)
"Hey everybody don't step on this (pointing to greeny- slimey- fuzzy- Seattle area moss found all over the ground) it's Jabba the Hut boogers and you DO NOT want to step on those!"
And isn't that the truth?! I wouldn't want to step on Jabba's boogers either. Ya think it was that Star Wars themed dinner I was so crazy about?