First of all, there are 14 pictures in this post. That's a lot but I love all of them. Most of all I adore this preschooler with a tiny head and giant mask. I actually sorta forced this mask on him at Target cause I loved it so. I'm glad he obliged. I think it is fantastic!

Preschool parties are tons of fun. Especially when you can totally write your own name on a rubbery pumpkin.....emphasis on the O...

And you can bring your sassy little Minnie Moused sister along and lick a lot of frosting while decorating cookies....

And then you can pose with all your cute little buddies...espcially Ariel...cause your mom thought she was darling in her bright red wig...

We had our annual Trunk or Treat....NO was GLORIOUS!

We actually carved pumpkins this year. Our parenting skills get totally high marks this month..... EFFORT CITY!

Big fellas were pumped to strut their stuff at school. I love schools that let kids dress up and enjoy the silliness of the holiday.

Trick or Treating in Gramma Jan's neighborhood with cousins has become a favorite tradition.

Minnie Mouse deep in thought!

Gramma Jan's neighborhood = lots of king size calories!

The dark knight's after school photo session....

There's that mask again...I seriously will let him wear this everyday!

Perfecting the leap...

And that's a wrap....a fantastically fun time had by all!