Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Tis the Season...

Just a few reasons why this season is looking pretty fantastic: the boys are f-i-n-a-l-l-y out of school for winter break, my missing cell phone was miraculously found and returned before I begrudgingly went to purchase a new one, days the middle of "my cell phone is missing" angst,  I went on a present wrapping tirade and got the job done, Kate's catching on to new words everyday and it's a complete hoot, my current favorite: fish/peesh ... AND I bit the bullet and bought an entire 1/2 gallon of heavy cream so I could make a bazillion recipes taste even better.....we are officially ready for the big day!
Merry Christmas!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Brody's big #5

We've been counting down for weeks and it finally happened.....

His Birthday arrived....right on time.

"Mom, what's with the stripes?" ...snide comment from a very astute birthday boy whose mother was both well intentioned and ill prepared in the decorating department.
We did however come through on the GLOW golfing adventure...big hit. FYI: Tuesday evenings are a fantastic time to take a family of six who don't always remember to follow the rules of mini golf etiquette. Birthday Boy even made a 100% real hole in one and scored himself a free pass for a future 'bout that! 

Well intentioned but ill prepared mom did come through on the cake this year. Birthday boy wanted the little Cars cake from the bakery...I didn't particularly feel like making was a win win.
I absolutely and positively adore this boy. At times he has been my most difficult child to parent, stubborn and fiesty as can be with a mind all his own.  However, that mind has come up with some of the funniest, craziest, kindest, and most clever moments that I'll treasure forever. Happy 5th birthday darling Brody..You Are Loved! 

Friday, December 2, 2011

Thanksgiving in pictures....

See-ins that I already kick boxed this morning when I didn't really feel like it AND cleaned out my dirty oven, I thought I'd complete my Tri-Fecta of Awesomeness and actually write a blog post.

Thanksgiving 2011

Cute cousins playing loud games....

My 3 handsome, hilarious, and talented brothers...

Lots of inside cousin jokes...

My baby holding a baby...

Gramma Jan getting the gravy going....

We had a cousin talent show complete with violin, viola, and piano pieces, song numbers, and lots and lots of dancing...

My little brother Allen, THEE most talented pianist I've ever known!

Cousin dance party..

Cousin Ben..hitting the high note!

I love this picture....Can you match which cousin goes with what parent?

My handsome Jack...

Fun day, yummy food, good times!
 Now if only my favorite sister and her darling family could join us one of these years!