Words cannot express how much I adore this little girl! She's literally the girl of my dreams. I always had envisioned a brown eyed brown haired doll baby with personality and spunk in our family and here she is.
She's totally hilarious and she totally knows it. She loves "cheets/treats" at all hours and will whip right back into shape at the simple threat of naptime. She loves having hands and toes painted and prefers "peek/pink" for any color option available.
Her hair is fabulously curly and crazy and finally pony/piggie/bun do able and I couldn't be more THA-RILLED! Now THAT is what I have been waiting for. Years and years of buzz cuts leave much to be desired.
We sing together a lot these days and hold deep conversations...we're besties. Last week, I even took her with me to get my hair color fixed. It took an hour and she was a total champion. So we went out to lunch and enjoyed turkey sandwiches and french fries. We stopped by my favorite antique store afterwards.....SANS stroller mind you..and once again, total champ.
I can't believe how lucky I am to be the mother of this little angel girl. Lucky, Lucky, Lucky!